Friday 10 October 2014

Lims in Europe - Paris (Day 3)

Finally the day arrived!
We were going to Disneyland!
The last time husband and I went disneyland was feb 2013
it was Valentine's day
and cold cold winter
that some rides were closed!
This time round, we were planning to try out more rides!
Especially the new ratatouille ride!

The night before husband prepared snacks 
to save some lunch money
The morning started early with the usual breakfast
but everyone seems to be on a fast forward mode
there was lesser dilly-dally
and we left home to disneyland!

On the train there, husband asked whether i had the tickets
which i had them (for the 2 of us)
so i jokingly asked my sister whether she brought her tickets
and she forgotten them at home!
I think they really forgot to bring their brains to Europe! haha
Anyway, thankfully the counter helped us to print the tickets
I cant imagine if we have to find some place to print them
since paris is not really print-shops-friendly
and disneyland is in the suburbs

Although my sister and family had been to DL hongkong
DL paris was definitely bigger and older
With halloween coming, there were some halloween decorations!
Shauna was wearing her frozen princess dress but it was so cold
we saw many lil princess wearing their jackets over their dresses
but this young lady was ready to brave the cold!

We were surprised that the kids were not excited about the mascots
For Isaac, maybe because he is a scaredy cat haha
but the kids still shouted names of the mascot when we walk past them.
The weather was cool, it was monday,
not a school holiday
so the queues were managable.

This time round,
I managed to take more rides!
Thunder mountains roller coaster,
pirates of the carribbean ride,
Ratatouille ride...
The longest queue was for the nemo roller coaster
which we queue for about 30 mins?
Apparently, it was fun for sister, husband and shuana
but i hate it...
okay, not a great fan of roller coaster
especially when its a spinning seat..arghh

Its funny that shauna loves the thrilling rides
while Isaac loves the 'enjoyable' rides
usually shuana will complain the rides are boring
she was nice to accompany Isaac and husband for the rides..
Oh yes, husband is a fan of 'enjoyable' rides..
especially, its a small world after all....

Moving around the 2 parks were fine
but i think the kids enjoyed the main park more
only difficulty is we need to change the stroller
everytime when we changed park
oh the ratatouille ride was a long slow queue too!
Probably about 40mins wait
sadly, it was as great as i imagined
it felt like a family-friendly version of the transformer ride
in Universal Studios Singapore.

Husband's food supply was great!
We managed to skip lunch
and grabbed fast food for dinner..
Oh, my sister didnt prepare any snacks for DL
she assumed we brought everything..
Okay, she need to go nourish her brain when she returns to Singapore!

We caught the grand parade
and i was so surprised that Frozen is already in the parade!
DL is really good at updating their stuff..

We decided not to catch the fireworks
in case of over crowded train and tired kids
and end up shopping for toys and head home..
My sister was sweet to offer us a nice bowl!
which husband loves dearly
and using it very often...haha

The kids had an early night
while adults had Nissan cup noodles for supper!
I really miss the taste of Nissan,
why paris no have??

As my sister's airtickets were in the lost bag,
and she lost her booking email,
we tried to find ways to reprint them.
And in Europe at 11pm,
is almost impossible to get normal customer service
Thankfully, her friends managed to help her get it the next day.

PS I cant help but post this photo of PT
I seriously thinks that he should start grow his hair..

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