Friday, 9 June 2017


Ok, I neglected the blog for long enough..
Changing how I write here because blogging from phone... Oh Yes, I was so depressed 1 day that I went buy a new phone and finally got a data plan! And I wondered why I didn't get data plan for last 3 years! I still work in "prison" where i cant use phone at work but "connected" life is great!

Anyway I was so busy at work and drowning in negative energy that I want to do nothing...
I probably should write about our recent trip but the most out of the blue event was I got shingles! Maybe I should say, I have shingles because I'm not fully receovered yet.

So, it started when I felt I had sunburnt on different parts of my left leg. Probably is it didn't look sunburnt. I'm generally in shade or pants that I shouldn't have sunburnt. It was so irritating to walk, sleep, wearing bottoms and while doing nothing. I googled a little but found no right answers. Well, I don't think I'll find good answer when I search like "sunburnt feelings but no sunburn". Somewhere in Google it mentioned shingles but I didn't had spots. I thought maybe the weather ia hot and i got heat rash like i did in singapore last year.

A few days later i came home and complained to husband that i got mosquitoes bites on same leg. On closer observation, he said looks like other kind of insects bites. Thats why i noticed 1 spot had fluid in it like chicken pox! Actually i dont really have memory how chicken pox looks like because when i had it, it was my sister who noticed its chicken pox.
Anyway, we were not very convinced its shingles because i only had a few spots.

The next day doctor confirmed i have shingle and i got antiviral med and cream, which didnt help relieved the symptoms. Maybe the med did help to minimise the number of full blown spots. It felt like someone constantly trying to break my knee and a continuous tattoo session on the spots. As the pain and aching reduced, the itchness starts. Problem is the itchness is the whole leg and not just the spots! I think i managed to burst a few spots accidently. And it didnt help to try to sleep with pain or itchness.

I dont think im fully recovered but its managable now. I guess i just need more sleep to catch up the sleepless nights ...